
Bon Jovi: Ode to Richie Sambora, How do we love thee?

Gonna be a Pimp here for a minute.

 Check out Glenn Osrin's Ode to Richie Sambora on the Examiner site.  If you're not aware, you should be as Glenn writes a lot of articles (some very humorous and we all need a laugh right!  RIGHT!!) on Bon Jovi.  As well as a lot of other topics for the Examiner.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Image via Wikipedia

He reworded Elizabeth Barrett Browning Sonnets from the Portuguese Number 43

Here's a sample:
We love thee for your vulnerability, your cool
Your sense of style
The Master's way the stringed ax you do blaze
And if it be that God divines
Rock critics stupidity does distress
Then know you’ve thoroughly rocked millions of us
We love you

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