
Bon Jovi: Bon Jovi Weird News

Lots of things I post here come through my Google Alerts, this one is interesting. And yes it is Bon Jovi related.

The Oban lifeboat launched at 09.42 this morning - Sunday 12th September 2010 - to the assistance of a yacht aground at the mouth of Loch Melfort.

The yacht, Bon Jovi of Clyde, had left Craobh Haven to go north to Cuan Sound in the Slate Islands when she struck and remained fast on one of a group of rocks known as Eich Donna. She had four people aboard.

When the lifeboat reached the scene, all four crew of the yacht had been taken off and back to Craobh Haven by a local craft.

An attempt to refloat the casualty will be made around High Water tonight.

Ok, so basically, if I can translate this to non boat speak. A Yacht named Bon Jovi of Clyde ran into some rocks and got stuck. The people on board got onto another boat before the life boat reached them.

This took place in Scotland.

I want to meet the owner of Bon Jovi of Clyde, that's an awesome name for a ship. Since those people named their kid Jovi shouldn't the owner of this boat meet the band when they're in Scotland? Obviously they're fans? Right?

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