
My Memorial Day weekend, Featuring Bon Jovi Part 2

You can find part 1 Here

So This is our House starts playing.

I'm thinking, are they going to open again with BOB (Blood on Blood).

They didn't.

They opened with WSYCGH (Who Says You Can't Go Home), which happens to be my least favorite Bon Jovi tune EVER, it's my sit down or go to the bathroom song.  I swear to Jeebus if this song were a living person Jon Bon Jovi would wine it, dine it, 69 it, and then have hot, dirty, sweaty sex with it (*fans self thinking about JBJ having hot, dirty, sweaty sex with ANYTHING*), he would declare his undying love for this song, then divorce his wife, be damned the consequences (financial or otherwise), and marry this fucking song.  He LOVES this song.  Most fans that I speak to, and others as well, don't.  This song is the reason I will not buy the HAND Special Edition, it has THREE VERSIONS!!!!  THREE!!! (The non JN version, the JN version, and a live version if they put the Keith Urban version on there....)  It's like Jeebus Jon, you're killing me.

Anyway they play who says, and he really limited the "It's Alrights..." and when he would have everyone put there hands up, I would give him the Jersey salute (right album [HAND] wrong song maybe?), so who says you can't go home indeed.

So Already this was turning out to be a great show getting my LEAST favorite song out of the way right away.

From there it went into the typical Circle set list, WWBTF (We Weren't Born to Follow) and YGLABN or BN (You Give Love a Bad Name).  Then surprise #2 ITA (In These Arms)

ITA is one of my favorite songs, and really shows how KTF after almost 18 years is one of Bon Jovi's strongest albums, its held up really well.

Next was BTBMB (Born to be My Baby) which has such great crowd energy, I love how Jon Always bounces during this song.  Ok I love it when Jon Bounces (especially when his back is turned to the audience, while this may seem rude...  Um... yeah, Jon's Butt....  sigh).

Then Just Older off Crush, I LOVE this song.  It's great live, I think so much of the audience appreciates it because we've all gotten older along with Bon Jovi.

We got it goin on was next, and I think this was better in the area with the video monitor stairs.

Raise Your Hands, I LOVE THIS SONG  It's always fun live, I have no idea why they don't play it for months, it wasn't a single off Slipper but everyone knows it, and everyone knows to "RAISE YOUR HANDS" during the chorus.

So great, Richie was pretty damn awesome too.

WWWB was next, many people left and got beer, or bathroom, it's a beautiful song, and the lightning during the song is good.  Jon loses points for too much theatrics.

Superman Tonight - See above  Great song though  (I still don't see why they put the girl who donated her hair for cancer victims in the same category as the guy who gave his kidney to a stranger, I mean so many people donate to Locks of Love and the like but how many people give their kidneys away, legally, and not after a drunken night where they wake up in a bath tub full of ice with the words call 9-1-1 on the mirror...  you know the Urban Legend).

Captain Crash and the Beauty Queen from Mars.  I love this song, it's such fun live and its so different from many Bon Jovi songs, and the whole hand waving thing at the end....

this went right into another favorite of mine, BAD MEDICINE

I wonder if this will be the last tour for the Bad medicine strippers in the background?

This concludes part 2 I'll do Part 3 in a bit

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