
Bon Jovi: Request a song for the live show November 10th

Here are the details:

Bon Jovi fans have the exclusive opportunity to shape the set list of the November 10th Best Buy Theater webcast performance right here on YouTube!

On November 9th in the U.S. and Canada Bon Jovi will release their brand new GREATEST HITS album, which will transport listeners back in time through the band's worldwide monster hits, and offer a bridge to the future with the debut of four brand new tracks. In celebration of this release we want to know: which Bon Jovi song from their vast catalog inspires you the most?

You can submit your song requests from all over the world right here. You can submit with either a text request OR (even better) with a video request explaining why that Bon Jovi song is your particular favorite. Other fans will then be able to vote on all of the suggestions and the most popular picks will rise to the top. So get your video cameras ready and tell us what to play! Tell everyone the song title FIRST and then go on to tell us why it's your favorite. You can submit your favorite song now through Monday, November 8th at 5pm ET. On November 10th, tune in to our live streaming concert right here on the Bon Jovi channel on YouTube to hear YOUR top picks of our greatest hits.

I have an idea. Since Jon has subjected us to Who Says You Can't Go Home so many times lets pay him back. The crowds in London were close, but with a WORLDWIDE voting audience lets see if we can get Bon Jovi to play:
I know I dream the impossible dream, but it's possible.  Tweet your friends, post on Facebook, share it on Backstage, let's see if the unstoppable force (aka every Bon Jovi Fan on the face of the Earth) can stop the impenetrable ego (aka Jon Bon Jovi).


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